1788-07-30 (static/transcriptions/1788/07/409.jpg)
to the Bar to be tried on the following Indictment.
Fort William} The Jurors of our Lord the King upon
in Bengal } there oath present That Durgapersaud Shaw of Calcutta Labourer being a person of evil name and fame & of dishonest Conversation & common Buyer & receiver of stolen Goods in the ninth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & eighty eight and in the twenty eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith & soforth, with [ILL] arms of Calcutta and Factory of Fort William in the Province of Bengal One Gold Watch of the value of Ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain of the Goods & Chattals of William Williams, William Tulloh & Edward Gardner by certain ill disposed Persons (to the Jurors aforesaid yet unknown) then lately before feloniously stolen, of the same disposed Persons unlawfully unjustly & for the sake of wicked gain did receive & have, He the said Durgapersaud Shaw well knowing the said Goods & Chattels to have been feloniously stolen (to the great damage of the said William Williams,