1788-08-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/133.jpg)
1. Wts for Plf
Rinaldo Perez was head cl in the Collector’s office in 1764 & proves Middleton’s signature to the Pottah B.
Mr. Davies for Deft admits the translation there of Jt is for 11 Cottahs granted to Bancharam Gose in the new Gunge at A. dated 1 May 1764.
Exh B read.
2d Wts Ramkissen Dutt
Was Segdar of Kidderpore from 1170 to 1186 BS & recd for the Compy rents from the Tenants, the price for which ground sold, & the pottah fees Bancharam, who is dd, bot a piece of Compy’s waste ground for 110 SR – it was 11 Chs. Wts refers to Exh C. & says he made that Entry he dp rent for it, & continued in poss till 1176 when he was dispossd by Col. Watson. Bancharam left one Son Hurry the lessor of Plf.
3d Wts Gocul Bose