1788-08-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/138.jpg)
Ground together with the appurtenances to the said John Doe and his Assigns from the said 1st day of Jany in the year of our lord 1770 to the full end term of thirty years then next following and fully to be compleat and ended by virtue of which said bemise the said John Doe entered upon the said piece or Parcel of Ground with the Appurtenances and was possessed thereof; and the said John Doe being so possessed thereof the said M. T. Watson afterwards to wit on the 2d day of Jany in the year of our Lord 1770 with force and arms entered into the said Spot of Piece or Parcel of Ground with the appurtenances which the said Bancharam Gose had demised to the said John Doe in form aforesaid for the Term aforesaid which is not yet expired and ejected the said John Doe out of his [ill] and him the sd G. Doe so ejctd hath kept out and still Doth keep out of his possession.
And Whereas the said M.R. Watson with force and arms entered into one other Piece or Parcel of Ground with the appurtenances situated at Kiderpore new Gunge aforesaid in the Province of Bengal aforesaid