1788-09-06 (static/transcriptions/1788/09/116.jpg)
Two Rupees per hundred Maunds from the Price at Calcutta, and the price was as appears by his Books, in May, June, July and August 1780 from 81 Arcot Rupees to 85 per hundred Maunds. In May Tumlook Salt was 85 Arcot Rupees. In June and July 84 Rupees. In August 84 and 83 Rupees. In November 1780 the price was 104 Arcot Rupees. The Salt he sold in November was Ingeliee Salt which is better than Tumlook Salt and always sells for two or three Rupees more. In January 1781 the price of Ingllee Salt rose to 130 Arcot Rupees per hundred Maunds. In February Jally Mootah Salt sold for 190 Arcot Rupees per hundred Maunds and it is better than Ingelly Salt by one or two Rupees.
Ramcaunt Gosaul
To the Second Interrogatory in Chief by the Plaintiff.
Saith he was not present when the Agreement was made by Bulram Burmo, but that being the Gomastah of the Defendant who has the care of the Defendant’s Salt at