1788-09-06 (static/transcriptions/1788/09/117.jpg)
Sulkea, he the Defendant did in 1186 give a verbal order to the Deponent to take care of what ever salt of the Ranny Jannokee might arrive at Sulkea, that no part might be sold by the agents of Ranny Jannoky with out the knowledge and order of the Defendant as the same was mortgaged to the Defendant. That when Ranny Jannoky’s Salt arrived the Deponent placed his people over the Golahs to watch the same, and that to the best of his recollection in Faulgoon 1186 the defendant told the deponent the Complainant Gocul Chund Mitre, had purchased from the Gomastahs of Ranny Jannokee 25,001 Maunds of Salt, and that when the Complainant’s people should apply to the Gomastahs of Ranny Jannokee to weight off the 25,001 Maunds of Salt, this Deponent should suffer the said Gomastahs to deliver the Salt, but that the deponent should kep an account of the salt delivered for the inspection of the