1777-12-19 (static/transcriptions/1777/12/052.jpg)
1777. Sessions. [Friday] December 19th.
so forth. With Force and Arms at Calcutta aforesaid in the Factory aforesaid and Province aforesaid in and upon One Susannah in the Peace of God and our said Lord the King then and there being Feloniously wickedly and of their malice aforethought did make an assault and with a Certain Kettle of the Value of Ten Pence of Lawful money of Great Britain which she the said Peggy in her hand then and there held the said Kettle being filled with boiling Water in and upon the Back Loins Waist and Private Parts of the said Susannah the said Boiling Water did fling and pour and by such said flinging and pouring of the said boiling [water] did scald and burn the said Susannah of [ILL] said scalding and burning she the said Susannah then and there Languished and Languishing did Live and afterwards to wit on the fifth day of December in the year aforesaid at Calcutta aforesaid in the Factory aforesaid and Province aforesaid of the said Scalding and burning died and that the said Betty then and there Feloniously wilfully and of her Malice aforethought was present aiding helping abetting assisting and Commanding the said Peggy the Felony and Murder aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid to do and Commit. And so the Jurors aforesaid on their oath aforesaid do say that the said Betty and Peggy in manner and form aforesaid Feloniously wilfully and of their