1788-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/186.jpg)

Thomas V. Bristow Exhibit R.

Exhibit R.

A letter from J. Murray Com Genl with an accot of Crs 5431 retrenched in Feb 1784, whereof Sunwat Rs 3648 are the pay of Surgeon Major Thomas.

“To Claud Alexander Esqr
Military Paymaster Genl
I transmit to You here-with the Vouchers for the Accounts of the Paymaster to the third Brigade for the month of February 1784, audited the amount admitted on the disbursements is Current Rupees 251,677..6..2 supposing the different additions and calculations of Batta are right which I leave to You to check and you will be pleased to debit of credit the Paymaster with the account of whatever errors may be discovered accordingly.

The total account retrenched is current Rupees 5431..8..3 the particulars whereof are under written and you will be pleased to debit the Paymaster accordingly, Agreeable to the commands of the Board of inspection dated 24th April 1777, acquainting him that you have done as in order that no difference may appear in future in the accounts current.