1788-12-12 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/300.jpg)
The Jurors for our Lord the King upon their Oath present that Anthone Baptiste of Calcutta at Fort William in Bengal Mariner not having the fear of God before his Eyes but being moved and seduced by the Instigation of the Devil on the ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Eighty eight in the twenty ninth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth with force & arms at the Town of Calcutta & Factory of Fort William in the Province of Bengal in and upon one Cobeer Ghose in the Peace of God & our said Lord the King then and there being then & there feloniously wilfully & of his Malice aforethought did make an assault, & that he the said Anthone Baptiste with a certain Rope of the value of six pence of lawful money of Great Britain which he the said Athone Baptiste in his right hand then & there had & held, both the hands & Feet of the said Cobeer Ghose feloniously wickedly and of his malice aforethought did bind compress fold and tye and the said Cobeer Ghose with his Hands & feet so as aforesaid bruised & tied he the said Anthone Baptiste then & there with a certain other Rope of the value of one penny of like lawful money of Great Britain which he the said Anthone Baptiste in his right hand then & there likewise had & held, both the hands & of the said Cobeer Ghose then & those feloniously wickedly & of his malice aforethought to the rigging of a certain ship called the Amicable Phillis did bind tye fasten and suspend by which binding tying folding and compressing of both the hands & fact of the said G. G. in