1788-12-12 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/303.jpg)

his Body of which sickness & Distemper he the said G. G. from the eleventh hour in the Forenoon of the said 9th day of November in the year aforesd untill the fifth hour in the afternoon of the same 9th day of November in the year aforesd at Calcutta aforesd in the Factory aforesd in the Province aforesd did languish & languishing did live and at the said fifth hour in the afternoon of the same ninth day of November in the year aforesd at Calcutta aforesd at the Factory aforesd & province aforesd the said G. G. of the said sickness & distemper occasioned by the said binding tying fastening & suspending to the rigging of the said ship in manner aforesd, died:
And that the said A. B. then & there feloniously wilfully & of his malice aforethought was present aiding helping abetting comforting assisting & maintaining the said divers other persons not yet taken and as yet unknown to the said Jurors the said Felony & murder aforesd in manner & form aforesd to do & commit. And so the jurors aforesd upon their oath aforesd do say that the said A. B. and the said divers other persons not yet taken and as yet unknown to the said Jurors, the said G. G. in manner & form aforesd feloniously wilfully & of their malice aforethought did kill & murder against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and dignity. And the Jurors aforesd upon their Oath aforesd do further present that the said A. B. is a person subject to the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal by having committed the Felony & murder last aforesd within the Town of Calcutta & Factory of Fort William in the Province of Bengal aforesaid.