1788-12-12 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/302.jpg)
not yet taken & as yet unknown to the Jurors aforesd, not having the fear of God before their Eyes but being moved & seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the ninth day of November in the year aforesd at Calcutta aforesd in the Factory aforesd in the Province aforesd in and upon the said G. G. in the peace of God and our said Lord the King then & there being then & there feloniously wilfully & of their malice aforethought did make an assault, and that the said persons not yet taken and as yet unknown to the Jurors aforesd with five Ropes each of the value of one penny of lawful money of Great Britain, one of which said Ropes each of the said persons not yet taken & as yet unknown to the Jurors aforesd in his right hand then &there had & held, both the hands & feet of the said G. G. feloniously wickedly & of their malice aforethought did bind compress fold & tye and the said G. G. with his hands & feet so as aforesd bound & tied they the said persons not yet taken and as yet unknown to the Jurors aforesd then & there feloniously wickedly & of their malice aforethought to the rigging of a certain ship called the amicable Phillis then tying at Anchor at Calcutta aforesd in the Province aforesd did bind tye fasten & suspend, by which binding tying folding & compressing of both the hands & feet of the said G. G. in manner aforesd & also by the binding tying fastening & suspending the said G. G., so as aforesd bound & tyed, to the rigging of the said Ship in manner aforesd he the said G. G. then & there became sick & greatly distempered in