1788-12-12 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/304.jpg)


The prisr pleaded Not Guilty & a jury was sworn to try him consisting of these persons
1. Thomas Parks.
7. James Smith
2. Edward Gardner
8. James Forster.
3. William Christopher Ord.
9. George Savoy.
4. Gavind Hamilton.
10. John Holmes.
5. Samuel Jackson.
11. John Maxwell.
6. Andrew Arrandoom
12. Charles Coats.

1st Wts for the King.
Ramcaunto Paul

The Deced was my far in law. On the 27th of Cartick last he went out on his business which was that of boiling Dammer, or Pitch, at the Banksall. He was a servant of the Company & used to receive his wages from Bulram Mestiere.
He went out on that day early in the morning, and did