1788-12-15 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/351.jpg)


said Iumunee he the said Saudoo with both the hands of him the said Saudoo in & upon the Throat head Stomach back [ILL] of the said Iumunee then & there feloniously wilfully [ILL] malice aforethought did strike beat & wound giving to the said Iumunnee as well by the casting & throwing of the said Iumunnee to & against the ground & upon & against the Knife aforesaid, as also by the striking beating & wounding the said Iumunnee [ILL] the throat head back & sides of the said Iumunee with both the hands of him the said Saudoo in manner aforesd would mortal wounds & bruises of which said mortal wounds & bruises the said Iumunnee then & there instantly died. And so the Jurors aforesd upon their oath aforesd so say that the said saudoo the said Iumunnee in manner & form aforesd feloniously wilfully & of his malice aforethought did kill & murder against the [ILL] Lord the King his Crown & Dignity – And the Jurors aforesd [ILL] do further present that the said Sudoo is a [ILL] subject to the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal by having committed the Felony & murder aforesd within the Town of Calcutta & Factory of Fort William in the Province aforesaid.