1788-12-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/367.jpg)
Shahin of Calcutta and Factory of Fort William in the Province of Bengal being a person of evil fame & of a wicked disposition & contriving & intending one Dustah Gool unjustly to aggrieve with an intent her the said Dustah Gool of her monies Goods & Chattels to deceive & Defraud on the 7th day of March in the year of our Lord 1788 & in the 28th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Gracec of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King defender of the faith & so forth upon his own head & imagination with force & arms at Calcutta aforesd in the Factory aforesd & Province aforesd knowing by subtilly & falsly did forge and make & cause to be forged & made one false writing sealed purporting to be sealed and delivered by the said Dustah Gool and in itself purporting to be a bond & obligatory writing and to bear date the said 7th day of March in the said year of our Lord 1788 by which said Bond & Obligatory writing is mentioned & pretended that the said Dustah Gool by the name of Dustah Gool of Calcutta Inhabitant became held & firmly bound unto the said Matruss Shawin otherwise called Martirus Shahin by the name & description of Mr. Matruss Shawin of the same place in the penal sum of ten thousand sicca Rupees for the payment whereof well & truly to be made to the said Matruss Shawin his heirs Executors Administrators of Assigns She the said Dustah Gool did thereby bind herself her Heirs