1789-01-15 (static/transcriptions/1789/01/315.jpg)
mises wherein after mentioned also that in failure as aforesaid the two houses mortgaged by another Deed of the same date with their appurtenances be sold before the Master for payment of the sum of 30,000 Current Rupees with the Interest now reported due thereon viz 6549.5. making together 37,549.5. and that if there should be any surplus on such sale the same be applied for and towards payment of the abovementioned sums of 26,134.12.6 and 7,857.9.10 and in aid of the securities for the same and that all such moneys as shall remain after payment of the said two Sums of 26,134.12.6. and 37549.5 shall go and be applied towards the discharge and payment of the sum of 7857.9.10 in Case the house and premises mortgaged for payment thereof should prove an insufficient Security for the same. And also that the house and premises in the pleadings mentioned mortgaged by Decd of the 6 November 1774 be on failure as aforesaid sold before the Master for payment of the above mentioned sum of 7857.9.10 and that in case any surplus shall remain after thereof the same be applied in like manner towards the discharge of the two before mentioned sums of 26,134.12.6 and 37,549.5. and in Aid of the Securities for the same, and that the Defendant be forever foreclosed &ca and pay Costs and that the two several sums