1780-12-22 (static/transcriptions/1780/12/126.jpg)

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1780. [Friday] Dec. 22nd

Tony Raur give Money to Gopee Nasir, whereas in Truth and in Fact Soberam Gose did not see any Money paid by Biaram Chowdry or Tonoo Raur to Gopee Nasir.
The Prisoner was arraigned and pleaded Not Guilty.
Mr. Lawrence, Opened the Indictment.
Soberam Gose. Was Sworn.
In Faulgun 1186 RamCunt the Prisoner spoke to me. [Faulgun 1886, Begam Frb. 10th 1779, and ended March 11th 1779.] He said if You will give Evidence only One Word, that You saw Money paid to Gopee Your Evidence will be confirmed and Gopee will be ruined, and You shall

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