1781-01-13 (static/transcriptions/1781/01/011.jpg)

1781. 1 Term. Saturday Jan: 13.

Saturday January 13th 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 9o:30’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 9o:30’.

[Triple Line]
Onoopchund Baboo
Shaumkissore Autcherjee.

Mr. Brix, Moved to enlarge the Return of a Commission which had been Issued to Mr. Holland and another Gentleman at Dacca to hear the Defendant sworn to his Plea to the Jurisdiction.
Impey, doubted whether this Court had ever done this, and therefore doubted whether it ought to be done, or whether the Party should not take out another Commission.
Hyde, Inclined to think it ought to be done, because it tended to expedite the Parties, and could do no harm.
And the Motion being consented to be Mr. Davies, Advocate for the Plaintiff, the
/ Court