1781-01-25 (static/transcriptions/1781/01/021.jpg)

1781. 1 Term. Thursday: Jan: 25.

Thursday Jan: 25th 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 10o:0
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 10o:0

Aga Takki
Ranny Bowanny.

Mr. Newman, Moved for a Commission of two Bramins to administer an Oath to Ranny Bowanny, to the Truth of her Plea to the jurisdiction, and beside the usual foundation for this Motion, Mr. Newman now produced a Translation into Bengally of the Plea, and said they would also send a Translation of the Commission.
The Commission was issued.

[Triple Line]
In Equity.
Gunganarain Doss,
surviving administrator of Bridjoo Mohun Doss decd.
/ Charles