1781-02-10 (static/transcriptions/1781/02/022.jpg)

1781. 1 Sittings. Saturday Feb. 10.

Saturday Feb. 10th: 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - at 9o:45’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - at 9o:55.

[Triple Line]
Shepulram Paul
Monick Chatterjee.

Trespass for taking several Books and promissory Notes from the Plaintiffs house at Calcutta.
Dammages alledged Fifty Thousand Sicca Rupees.
The Notes not being described on the Record, could not be proved, nor was there any Reason to suppose, any Notes of Valule were really taken.
The taking of a Book was proved. It appear’d a very trivial Cause. The Defendant had been admitted a Pauper, therefore no Costs were given, but Dammages Ten Sicca Rupees.
For the Plaintiff.
Dammages 10 S: Rs. No Costs.
Augustus Norton