1777-12-23 (static/transcriptions/1777/12/069.jpg)

1777. Sessions. Tuesday Dec. 23d.

Tuesday. Dec. 23d 1777.

[Double Line]
Choora Munny.
Tried for the Murder of Anunderam.
The deceased Anunderam was found by the Chokeydars, early in the morning with his throat cut. He was not able to speak but made signs in answer to questions put to him, first to the question whether any Decoit murder’d him, he made the sign always used for the Negative: next to the question whether any of the Mallys (that is Gardeners) Murder’d him; he answer’d by the sign always used for the affirmative: next, to the Question whether he was Murder’d by Preboram who was the witness, and was one of the Mollies; he answer’d by the sign always used for no: next, to the names of the several Mallies, he answer’d by the sign for no; till the Name of Choora-Munny was mention’d, then he made the sign for yes: that afterward Anunderam, made the sign of drawing his finger
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