1781-04-03 (static/transcriptions/1781/04/004.jpg)

1781. 2 Sittings. [Tuesday] April 3.

Tuesday April 3d: 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - - at 9o:35’
Sir Robert Chambers - - at 10o:00
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - - at 9o:35’.

[Triple Line]
Rampriah Deby
Administratrix of Govindram Tagoor, deceased.
Ramchunder Biswas.

[Triple Line]
This was An Action on the Case.
The Count relied on was an Account settled between the deceased and the Defendant.
A Bengal Note was produced dated in the Bengal year 1180.
On Cross Examination a Witness call’d by the Plaintiff proved, this Note was sign’d while the Defendant was in Custody of Peons, and that the account was made by Servants of Govindram by estimation only, and that Govindram told Ramchunder he must sign that and when Govindram had settled his account with Mr. Lionel Darrel, who
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