1781-04-03 (static/transcriptions/1781/04/008.jpg)

1781. 2 Sittings. [Tuesday] April 3.

=endants who were the Agents of Rampriah Deby the Widow, and suffering her to obtain the Administration.
Ever since I first heard of these People, I have had continual complaints made to me, of the Men of the family preventing her Bengally Agents having access to her, to carry Messages between her and her Attorney Mr. Stackhouse Tolfrey: and they have always alledged in their Justification, that by reason of their Cast, they could not suffer such Men to come into their House to see her.
Her Husband’s family call themselves Bramins, but other Bengallys say they have lost their Cast, because long ago, during a Mahommedan Invasion, they were forced (that is their Ancestors were forced) to become Mahommedans. The name of the Invader is said to have been Beer-Ally or Meer Alli or some name like that, from whence they are call’d Beer Ally Bramins, or Meer-Alli Bramins, or some name like that.
Mr. Lionel Darrel, whose name is mention’d in the Evidence in this Cause
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