1781-11-05 (static/transcriptions/1781/11/015.jpg)

1781 4 Term [Monday] Nov. 5
Some time longer in his hands, which the Bill charges him with having received in the Year 1778 to satisfy the Mortgage and Interest.
Mr. Lawrence opened the answer of Ranchunder: That he did borrow the Money, and that the Land was sold at the Pulbic Sale of the Sheriff, subject to the Mortgage.
Hyderam says Hennis bought the land at the sale for 500 Sicca Rupees, subject to the Mortgage
Dec. 24th 1778
Sale by the Sheriff
That he bought the Land of Hennis, and paid to Hennis 1800 Sicca Rupees for it, out of which Hennis was to pay the whole sum due on the Mortgage to the Plaintiff in this Cause.
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