1791-07-21 (static/transcriptions/1791/07/153.jpg)
Thursd. 21 July.
Mr. Larkins corrects his
Evidce – M see this mark.
I find now find that I borrowed from Mr. Millar another paper which I returned on the 26 Jan 1791. I wished at the same time, when I defended myself against the charge preferred contained in the Mr. Fenwick’s letter to Govt 20 Jan. 1791.) to have written an answer to a scandalous intimation contained in Mr. Fenwick’s Letter to the Committee 1 Nov 1791, as I think. In that letter tho’ my name is not mentioned, there is a very pointed allusion to me. I thought better of this, & postponed it, intending to speak to the justice of the Govr in council by requesting that scrutiny into my conduct with intention. I fulfilled on or about 18 May 91. The other paper, wch I borrowed was Mr. Fenwick’s letter 1 Nov. 1790.
Mr. [ILL] was junior member of the Committee – From him I had information of the letter 1 Nov. 1790.