1791-07-21 (static/transcriptions/1791/07/154.jpg)
The next regular way is to apply publickly to a committee for papers. I did not consider my private application as contrary to the orders given to the committee; nor would I have made it, had I so considered it.
Wm Harvey sworn.
I look at two notices (R1 & S1.) the original of which I served on Mr. Fenwick, & that of S1 on Mr. Brown, clerk to Mr. Swinhoe.
Henry Mackinley Sworn.
I know Mr. Fenwick & Mr. Larkins. I have long known Mr. L. by report; but had no personal acquaintance with him till 31 March 1791. I have known Mr. Fenwick since July or Aug: 1790, that is, from his late arrival at Calcutta I was applied to by Mr. Fenwick to carry a letter to Mr. Larkins first, last Febr or March. I n Feb or March about noon I recd a letter from Mr. Fenwick, containing a letter to Mr. Larkins, and a letter of instruction to myself.