1791-10-31 (static/transcriptions/1791/10/093.jpg)


Francis Peacock in his time as well as touching and concerning other matters relating to the action of the said Francis Peacock, which had arisen since this [ILL] of all disputes whatever touching the said Partnership or in [ILL] concerning or relating to the [ILL] of the said Francis Peacock, or to any matters or things done or committed by the [ILL] Bulram Ghose, as administrator to the said Francis Peacock, to refer all difference and disputes whatever touching or arising from the said partnership, and all matters relating to the said Estate, to the [ILL] Arbitration, and determination of Thomas Henry Davies [ILL] both of Calcutta Esquires; and in case the said Arbitration could not agree, then that all such differences and disputes should be finally determined by William Dunkin, of Calcutta Esqr an umpire indifferently chosen between the said parties, so as the Award of the Arbitrators should be by there make on or before the 28th February then next following, and of the said Arbitrators could