1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/167.jpg)


Tuesday 22. Nov: 1791.
No 5. Affidavit of Khumnarain.
Deponent at the time aforesaid by Order of the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg and in the presence of the said Cojah Zekeriah the said Shaic Talah Ayar and others And this Deponent further with that at the time this Deponent so as aforesaid presented the said fair Copy of the said Paper to the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg neither the seal of the said Shahbaz Khan, nor of the said Cojah Zekeriah nor of the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg, nor of Mohummud Mozum Beg, nor the written attestation of Hadgee Mohummud Eweiz Beg, which now appear upon the said paper or Ekraun Aum, nor any other seal or written attestation whatever [ILL] upon the said paper or Ekraur Aum, nor was or were any such ever affixed put to or written upon the same in the presence or with the Knowledge of this Deponent. And lastly this Deponent again repeats and most solemnly declares that the said paper or Ekraur Aum so shown to, seen and inspected by this Deponent in the office of the said William Chambers Esquire, was written by this Deponent at least three days after the decease of the same Shahbaz beg Khan and that of course