1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/168.jpg)
Sittings after Fourth Term 1791.
E. I. Company v. Naderah Begum
the several seals and the written attestation aforesaid and every of them must have been also affixed and written after the death of the said Shahbaz beg Khan.
6. Affid: of Seyid Lutf Aly – that he is full bror of Neaz Aly decd – who did in July 1789 – & who was well acqd with Shah Baz Beg Khan & Cojah Z & Neaz Aly often told dept that he had bn employed by Cojah Z – after the death of Shah Baz Beg Khan to copy a Hebeh Nameh, & had done son. That on 22 March 1791, Depont went with Mr. Jackson Esq (the Compy’s atty.) to the office of W. C. Esq, keeper of the records, &