1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/169.jpg)


Tuesday 22d Nov: 1791.
No 6. Affidavit of Seyid Lutf Aly.
there read a Persian paper d: 10th Ramzan, 18 of Shaw Allum, [which] paper, sd W. Jackson informed him, was exhibited in this court about 7 or 8 Dec: 1778, marked N. and now remains of record among the exhibits in the cause of Naderah B: v. Behadur Beg & al tried here. Deponent says he is well acqd with the handwriting of the sd Neaz Aly, that he has frequently seen him write and, from such his knowledge of the handwriting of Neaz Aly, he saith that the said paper so marked & shewn to him & the whole of the Persian writing in the body of the said paper is of the proper hand writing, (as he in his conscience verily