1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/285.jpg)
For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
And this Defendt further says that, if any such pretended confession was made, or given, she this Defendt does not know nor can she of her own knowledge setforth whether the same was freely or voluntarily or how otherwise made or given, by the said Ghyut Beg but this Defendt has been informed & believes that the pretended confession setforth in the affidavit of the said Ghyrut Beg sworn & produced in this cause was made and given when he was weak in Body and at the point of death and when he was in a state of mind so infirm that he easily could be influence and worked upon by and actually was as this Defendt believes influenced and worked upon by the said Complainant Behader Beg and the said other Complainants or by their agents and confederates then in Calcutta for the purpose of obtaining such pretended confession. And that the said Ghyrut Beg from the time he made such affidavit continued weak both in mind and body untill his death which happened very soon afterwards. And this Defendt is informed and believes that the said Ghyrut Beg was supported at the Expence of the Complainants or some or one of them, for a long space of time previous to his death. And this Defendt positively denies such confession to be true for this Defendt positively avers that neither of the said Deed called Hebanamah & Ekrauraum ever was forged by any persons or person whatever.