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For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
of this Defendant And this Defendant is advised and believes that if the said two Deeds had not been produced she would nevertheless have recovered Damages to a very large amount in such action And this Defendant further denies that she must have Suffered a non Suit or had a Judgment against her in such Action had not the said two Deeds been produced and Sworn to by the said Cojah Zekeriah Ghyrut Beg and other the Witnessses on the part of this Defendant for this Defendant says that she is advised and believes that (as one full forth share of all the property of which the said Shabaz Beg Khan died possessed which amounted as this Defendant verily believes to many Lacks of Rupees) as well as one full fourth part of the produce of the said Ullumgaw Lands had so been decreed and allotted to this Defendant as aforesaid and as this Defendant never yet has received any part or portion thereof but on the Contrary as this Defendant was deprived of every part thereof and was otherwise Cruelly treated assaulted and imprisoned by and by the means of the said Cauzee and Muftees and the said Behader Beg and their Confederates as aforesaid and as such several Circumstances were proved and appeared upon the Trial of such action at Law she this Defendant must have recovered a Judgment against the Defendants in such action to a very large amoung the amount of which Judgment this Defendant is induced to believe and does believe would with the Legal Interest thereon to which this Defendant might have been intitled