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For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
called Hebanama and Ekrauraum respectively died some years ago, and that the said Ghyrut Beg, another Subscribing Witness to each of the said Deeds or Instruments died as aforesaid and that Cojah Zekeriah the only remaining Subscribing Witness thereto did as this Defendant has been informed and believes depart many years ago for the Kingdom of Persia or osme other foreign Kingdom far out and beyond the Jurisdictino and of the Process of this Honourable Court from which Kingdom the said Cojah Zekeriah has not yet returned to the knowledge or belief of this Defendant and this Defendant has also been informed that the said Cojah Zekeriah is dead but this Defendant says that she has by herself and her agents made many enquiries of and Concerning the said Cojah Zekeriah and has never yet been able to obtain any information concerning him other than as hereby setforth And this Defendant verily believes that she shall nto be able to obtain the Evidence of the said Cojah Zekeriah again relative to the Merits of this Suit and Execution of the said two Deeds or Instruments should this Honourable Court put this Defendant to further proof concerning the same, this Defendant to further proof concerning the same, this Defendant therefore humbly insists and Submits to this Honourable Court that under the Several Circumstances herein at large Setforth She is in Justice intitled to sue out execution on the Judgment recovered against the said Complainants the said United Company upon their said Bond as aforesaid.