1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/336.jpg)


For Deft No. 9. Affidavit of Sheik Ichun
very sick and weak both in Body and mind.

No. 9. Affidavit of Sheik Jehan.
Sheik Ichun of Patna in the Province of Behar but at present of Calcutta Inhabitant maketh Oath & saith that he was well acquainted with Shabaz Beg Khan Late of Patna aforesaid deceased. And that Sheik Inmul ud deen, the further of this Deponent, was many years a Peon in the service of Meer Cawn since deceased and which said MEer Cawn was the Nephew of the above named Defendant Nauderah Begum, and this Deponent saith that the said Immul ud deen so intimated in the service of the said Meer Cawn untill at and after the time of the death of the said Shabaz Beg Khan. And this Deponent further saith that the said Meer Cawn lied in the House of the said Shabaz Beg Khan at Patna aforesaid untill the time of the death of the said Shabaz Beg Khan, and that this Deponent was also living with his said father the said Inmul ud deen in and about the said House of the said Shabaz Beg Khan untill the aforesaid time of the death of the said Shabaz Beg Khan. And this Deponent saith that the said Shabaz Beg Khan departed this life in the month of Shawul in the Fussulee year 1184. And this Deponent further saith that he knew and was well acquainted with Hadjee Mahomed Ewaz Beg, who was at this Deponent has been informed and believes a subscribing witness to the Execution, by the said Shabaz Beg Khan of two Persian Deeds respectively called a Hebanamah and Ekrauraum, now of record in this Honourable Court, and which said deeds as this Deponent is informed and believes bear date respectively the 10th and 11th days of the month of Ramzaun in the year 1190 of the Mahomedan Era answering to the said Fussulee year 1184. And this Deponent further saith that he well remembers