1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/337.jpg)
Sittings after Fourth Term.
Eq: E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
that the said Hadjee [ILL] Beg was at Patna aforesaid in the said month of Ramzaun immediately preceeding the month in which the said Shabaz Beg Khan died [ILL] this Deponent says that he recollect the said Hadjee Mahomed Ewez Beg to have been in Patna aforesaid during the period when the Mahomedans, according to this usual custom, kept the solemn daity facts during the said month of Ramzaun and that he this Dept also recollects that said Hadjee Mahomed Ewuz Beg to have remained in Patna during the aforesaid fast days in the said month of Ramzaun, and untill after the great and memorable Holiday called by the Mahomedans the Eade which happened on the first day of the month of Shawaul immediately preceding the death of the said Shabaz Beg Khan.