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For Deft No 8. Further affid of Buddy ud Deen & Delmeer.
Ghyrut Beg at the House of the said Shabaz Beg Khan in Patna aforesaid. And this Deponent further saith that he perfectly remembers to have seen the said Ghyrut Beg at the said House of the said Shabaz Beg Khan on the Mahomedan great Holiday called the Eade, which happened on the first day of the month of Shawul immediately preceding the death of the said Shabaz Beg Khan, where and when the said Ghyrut Beg had come for the purpose of giving, and did give a Nazzer or present to the said Shabaz Beg Khan on that day.
No 8. Affidavit of Sheik Buddee ud Deen and Delmeer Khan.
Sheik Buddee ud Deen of the Pergunnah Behar near Patna in the Provicne of Behar Inhabt and Delmere Khan of Patna in the Province of Behar but now of Calcutta Inhabitants severally make Oath and say that they were personally acquainted with Meerza Ghyrut Beg for many years previous to his death and which said Ghyrut Beg has, as these Deponants have been informed and believe, been said to have made an affidavit in this cause which pretended affidavit has been produced in the Honourable Court, as these Deponents have also been informed and believe, in support of the action now depending for an Injunction in this cause. And these Deponents further severally say