1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/335.jpg)


that at the time of the death of the said Ghyrut Beg these Deponents believe he the said Ghyrut Beg must have been near eighty years of age. And these Deponents further severally say that they have been informed, by Zulficar Cawn deceased, the Nephew of the said Defendant, and by several persosn who from time to time have been accustomed to visit the said Ghyrut Beg and to attend upon him (and which information these Deponents respectively believe to be true) that the said Ghyrut Beg for about 2 or 3 years or thereabouts previous to the time of his death which (happened about six motnhs ago) was very infirm in Body and his understanding during the period of time aforesd was weak. And these Deponents severally say that they have been inform’d and believe by the said Zulficar Cawn, since deceased, and by the several persosns so as aforesd accustomed to visit and attend upon the said Ghyrut Beg, that he the said Ghyrut Beg was during the said 2 or 3 years or thereabouts previous to his death) at time senseless, and that his understanding was greatly impaired, and that the said Ghyrut Beg during such period of time last aforesaid was incapable of [ILL] or [ILL] for himself with any degree of consistency. And this Depot Delmere Khan for himself saith that he aw the said Ghyrut Beg about 15 or 20 days previous to his death, and that he then appeared to be