1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/332.jpg)

For Deft No 7. Further affidavit of Delmeer Khan.
employ of, and in attendance upon, and about the person of the said Shabaz Beg Khan, as aforesaid. And this Deponent further saith that he never did hear nor otherwise learn or understand nor doth this Depot believe it to be true that the said Shabaz Beg Khan did at any time, durng the time that this Deponent was in his service, as aforesaid, shew his displeasure at and against the said Nauderah Begum by having the Jewels and personal Armaments of the said Nauderah Begum brought out of the Zenanah or Womens apartment into the Dewan Khana, and there publickly or otherwise giving them in charge to the said Syfoolah, nor did this Deponent ever hear, or otherwise learn or understand, nor does this Deponent believe it to be true, that the said Shabaz Beg Khan did at any time (during the time that this Deponent was in his service aforesaid,) order a Bed to be prepared for him the said Shabaz Beg Khan and sleep in a room separate and a part frm the women’s apartments where it had been his constant custom to sleep, during the time that this Deponent was so in the service of the said Shahbaz Beg Khan as aforesaid. And this Depot further saith that it cannot be true that the said Shabaz Beg Khan delivered the Jewels to the said Syfoola Consumah as is pretended and worn in and by the aforesaid Affidavit of the said Mooteram Chobdar, because this Deponent doth positively say that the said Syfoola was not, at the time for such purpose mentioned,