1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/329.jpg)


mentioned period ever seen the said Cojah Zekeriah, nor hath this Deponent ever heard, or by any means learned, that the said Cojah Zekeriah returned from such pilgrimage, nor doth this Deponent know where he the said Cojah Zekeriah now is, nor whether he is now living or dead. And this Deponent further saith that he hath been informed & believes it to be true that Enayetullah Beg. Moazum Beg, Hadjee Mahomed Awuz, and Ghyrut Beg, and all of whom were as this Deponent is informed & believes subscribing Witnesses to the aforesaid Hebanama and Ekrauraum (that is to say the say Enayetullah Beg, Moazum Beg, Mahomed Awuz and Ghyrut Beg to the said Hebanama, and the said Moazum Beg, Mahomed Awuz and Ghyrut Beg to the said Ekrauraum,) and all of whom gave Evidence in the aforesaid cause in which the said Nauderah Begum was the Plaintiff and Behader Beg, Cauzee Sadi, Muftee Golaum Muckdoom and Muftee Burkuttullah were the Defendants, have severally and respectively been long since dead, excepting the sai Ghyrut Beg who died very lately in Calcutta. And this Deponent further saith that Meer Cawn the Nephew of, and Munna a servant of the said Nauderah Begum, with