1794-03-31 (static/transcriptions/1794/03/072.jpg)
the Bond & [warrant?] – at Mr. Smoult’s he suspected he was the man because he knew his face but he did not say so either there or at Mr. Justice Hydes – does not know any of the three who came to Mr. Brampton’s office – did not know their names. did not before that know the name of Soobnaut.
Cross examined –
Cannot account for his having the prosecutor [ILL] from his having seen him execute the Bond & [warrant?] at Mr. Brampton’s – does not know that prosecutor wrote his name or any thing else at Mr. Smoult’s.
Ramcaunt Bose, a sercar of Mr. Gerauds – in 1790 and 1791 & now – know the prisoner has known from about a month or two before the Executor found, and at the time he [then?] saw him [ILL] Mr. [Geraud’s?] – Means the Executor [ILL] the prosecutors house, who he then did not know – but that he was call’d