1778-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/017.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. Friday March. 13th.

Friday March 13th 1778.

[Triple Line]
Rada Cunt Gose
Gunga Govind Sing & Jebarry.
The Evidence on the part of the Defendants in this Cause, having been finish’d yesterday, the Council, [on the] part of the Plaintiff no went on in [reply] and observed on the Evidence as [applies] to the Notice of Justification.

Mr. Sealey, Advocate for the Plaintiff.
It is not proved that Rada Cunt Gose took this farm in the name of Ruggunaut.
It is not proved that Gunga Govind Sing is appointed Dewan of the Calcutta Committee.
The powers which are alledged in the Justification to be rested in the Dewan are not proved.

Mr. Tilghman, the other Advocate for the Plaintiff, observed also on the Justification.