1778-03-17 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/020.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. Tuesday March. 17th.

Tuesday March 17th 1778.
Chambers & Hyde

Sir Elijah was absent from the Court to day because he is preparing to set out to morrow, to Balleugaut only about two miles from Calcutta, in the Salt Water Lake where his Budgro now [sits?] with intention to proceed on the Salt Water Lake into the River and so to Luckipoor by water, in his Budgro, and thence to finish his Journey to Chittagong by Land. He goes to Chittagong for his Health, though he thinks he is some what better [of] the disorder which first occasion’d him to resolve to go thither, and I think [so?] too.
The Cheif Symptom of his disorder was a Numbness or slight pain, in his right hand, wrist, and arm, and some degree of difficulty in moving it. This has lasted from the beginning of October last or thereabout without being considerably better or worse, to the present time. He hopes it is only a Rheumatic Pain, and possibly it is so: But other People are apt to think it is a Paralytic Disorder.
To morrow morning Impey sits out on
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