1778-03-18 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/023.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. [Wednesday] March. 18th.

to want consideration [ILL] But his Witness did not prove such a custom.
Therefore we were of opinion, the Plaintiff had proved no case fully, for the Bengal Note, commonly call’d a Bond first produced was evidence on the Count for money lent, the consideration being sufficiently proved: And the Note, call’d Chitty, being an Order written by the Defendant on the Plaintiff to pay money, was also proper Evidence [coming?] from the possession of the Plaintiff, on the Count for money paid for the Defendant.
Judgment – for the Plaintiff.
Dammages. C: Rs. 12,244: 7: 6.
[ILL] Costs

James Richardson
James Robertson and James Stark
Richard Litchfeild and William Johnson Executors of James Pritchard, Deceased.
The Plaintiffs are Chirurgeons and Partners as such. They attended Mr. Pritchard in the illness before he died. They attended him so long as he staid at Calcutta, and