1778-03-18 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/025.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. [Wednesday] March. 18th.

here, and also commonly call’d Doctor, were also examined, and swore that in their opinions, the charges for attendances were at reasonable rates, and that the bill for Medicines was reasonable except in two or three articles were overcharged as they thought.
The Plaintiffs went through this case, during which the Defendant call’d on them to produce in Evidence a bill they had in Court, which they had deliver’d to Mr. Pritchard with Medicines charged and a Blank article for attendance during a former illness, in payment of which Pritchard had given thirty Gold Mohurs, and Robinson and Stark had acknowledged this in writing to be a “Genteel Present.”
This Bill the Plaintiff refused to produce except the Defendants would make some admission which the Defendants refused, therefore the Bill was not produced.
The Cause was adjourn’d till to morrow.