1778-03-20 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/030.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. Friday March 20th. 1778.

Friday March 20th 1778.
Chambers & Hyde.

I went into Court first, but chambers came in a few minutes after.
There were only a few motions: One of them relating to a Hindoo Administration granted to an Executor a Creditor, Chambers said to me, not aloud to the Court, that he thought some provision should be made that the Citations should really be known and understood by the relations of the Deceased: I told him I entirely agreed in that opinion, and thought a Rule should be made of that import: and that I had several times refused to grant administrations to Creditors when it appear’d there were relations, till it was proved by affidavits that real notice had been given to the Relations of the deceased.

James Creassey
David Arthur
The Cause began yesterday, was now continued.
Mr. George Dallas, was then call’d and sworn.