1778-03-19 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/027.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. [Thursday] March. 19th.

requisite should be heard that day; and then the Causes are call’d. After the Causes are over, if it is not too late, other Motions are call’d for. To day Sir Robert Chambers was not come, when I had ask’d for Motions twice, I said [if?] he was not come I would hear any other Motions, if there were any, but there were none, therefore I went on with the Cause begun yesterday.

Stark & [Robertson? Robinson?]
Litchfeild and Johnson; Executors of Pritchard.
Mr. Newman; Advocate for the Defendants open’d their Case.
He said. The Executors are compell’d to bring on this Cause, it is their duty to do the best for those who are to receive what Mr. Pritchard left; the [demand?] now made by this action, and before [made?] on the Executors, was Five Hundred three Sicca Rupees, which was a [more?] extravagant demand.
Mr. Pritchard had been ill twice before, and had been attended more than twice as much and taken more than twice as much medicines, as he had in the last illness for the attendance and those medicines,
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