1778-03-23 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/033.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. [Monday] March 23d.

Several common motions, which were all that were ready at the sitting of the Court.
I put off the demurrer in the Cause of Bostom Churn Bose v Halliburton which had been appointed for to day, till to morrow, when I expect Mr. Justice Chambers to be in Court. To day he stays away I believe for the purpose of writing Letters to England.

William Richardson
Gower Hurry Sing.
Mr. Richardson was Pool-Bundy in the twenty four Purgunnahs: The Defendant was a Sircar employ’d by Richardson in this Business. The business of the Pool-bundy as to repair the Banks of the River.
The Defendant had given in, to Mr. Richardson an account of the expenditure of all the Sums he had received, but the Plaintiff discover’d, that he had made collusive payments to certain Men, call’d, in the accounts, Daroga’s, and had paid to them the Sums
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