1778-03-24 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/036.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. Tuesday March 24th.

Tuesday March 24th 1778.

The Court did not sit till within four Minutes of Eleven o’Clock. Sir Robert chambers had on Saturday excused himself from coming to the Court on Monday, informing me, that he intended to employ himself on Monday in writing Letters for England to go by the Duke of Portland, Captain Sutton, but he undertook to be in Court to day and several Causes were put off from Saturday till to day that he might be present at the hearing: Relying on his being in Court, and that therefore the business would go on, I had employ’d myself this morning finishing my Letters for that Ship, and directing Owen John Petruse in Packing them up, and they were within about Ten Minutes work finish’d when, exactly at twenty Seven Minutes past Ten I received a Letter from Mr. Justice Chambers to say that he desired to be excused from coming into Court to day, for that he had been indisposed with the Head Ache yesterday, and could not finish his Letters then and therefore should employ himself in writing his Letters to day and should send them down
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