1778-03-24 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/037.jpg)
1778. 2 Term. [Tuesday] March 24th.
by a Boat to the Ship at Ingellee; otherwise properly call’d Hidjley. As soon as I got the Note from Sir Robert Chambers, I immediate got ready as fast as I could and came into Court at Fifty Six Minutes after Ten, leaving my own business unfinished to be finish’d by Petruse, as well as he could with my instruction.
I heard the few motions there were to be made, and then putt of those causes which stood for to day by special appointment, and inform’d the Gentlemen at the Bar that I would only hear common causes of no great importance to day because of the absence of my brother Chambers who would, I hoped, be in Court to morrow.
I first call’d on the Senior Advocate present Mr. Newman, to move, and after hearing his motion, and granting a Rule to shew cause, I address’d myself to the Bar, and said “Gentlemen, I should not have been so late, if I had not supposed Mr. Justice Chambers was in Court. I did not know he was not here till just before I came out when I received a Note from him by which I found he did not propose to come into Court to day.