1778-03-28 (static/transcriptions/1778/03/045.jpg)

1778. 2 Term. Saturday March 28th.

Saturday March 28th 1778.
The last day of the Term.
Chambers & Hyde.

The Court did not sit untill near Eleven; though I was at the Court House soon after Nine, and Chambers was there soon after me, but we were busy in taking affidavits necessary to be read in Court this morning, and in discerning on the business to be done to day.
A Motion was repeated to day in the Case of Bahauder Baig & others Defendants, and Nauderah Baigum, for any common Bail being admitted, and accepted by the attorney for the Plaintiff, on a Bond by the Company to Mr. Playdell the accountant of this Court, and to the Plaintiff being deposited in Court, and on Mr. Naylor, the Company’s Attorney on Record being bound by a Rule by Consent to plead immediately to any action on the Bond.
This was conducted to by the Advocate for the Plaintiff, being instructed by Mr. Whittall Attorney for the Plaintiff, so to consent.
Mr. Naylor, immediately brought two common Hircarrah, probably not worth twenty Rupees each, who acknowledged themselves bound