1778-06-27 (static/transcriptions/1778/06/035.jpg)

1778. 3 Term. [Saturday] June 27th.

think by One Judge out of Term, if the Commitment was by the One judge out of Term, but this opinion, Chambers as to any act to be done out of Court I suppose would not assent to.
There are now four or five Men, in the Prison on Commitments for Contempt, One of them is Taujou, committed by the Chief Justice May 23d 1778, at Islamabad, that is Chittagong, for a Contempt in extorting civility money from Akbar Alli Chowdry who was a defendant who Taujou was employ’d to arrest, this commitment is during the Vacation, and how Impey and Chambers can reconcile it to the Doctrine they advance about the Court having no power to do any Act in Vacation, I do not know, but it is very consistent with my Doctrine and Lemaistre’s. I intend to enter in this book, copies of the several commitments for contempts, on which the Parties are now in Prison. One of them is by me, for a Contempt in swearing an affidavit of Debt, taking on himself the name of another Man, and swearing against Shaik
/ Ramjohn