1778-07-17 (static/transcriptions/1778/07/033.jpg)
1778. Sittings. Friday July 17th.
in consideration that the Plaintiff at his request sold the goods, to the Purchaser, he promised to become security, or in consideration that he would at his request forbear suing for a certain time; so that by this defect in the Plaint the contract of the security appear’d to be Nudum Pactum.
[Triple Line]
Tarineyechurn Metre
Rajah Ramlochurn & Rajechunder Roy.
This Cause, began on Tuesday July 14th was finish’d to day. The Council for the Defendants finding by what both Chambers and I, said to them, that we thought the Defendants witnesses to be all perjured, and being caution’d by us, that if, at the end of the Cause we continued to think so, such a kind of Defence would aggravate the Dammages, thought fit to declare they would examine no more witnesses. Chambers and I, consulted togather, and agreed in the Dammages, but I would have given more if he would.
For the Plaintiff: Dammages 3000 A: Rs.